Thursday, March 29, 2012

Diving into EBP: An Experiment in Conversation
Part 4

Alaina: Love of truth...I know I love to look for truth when encountering a description of a new treatment approach. I am gleeful to be skeptical and scour the evidence for flaws before deciding whether or not to try out the approach. But thinking about it, I’m realizing that I’m not yet as practiced in loving truth after I have had a belief take hold. Somewhere in the process of using a certain treatment approach while planning treatment goals, planning sessions, talking with clients’ parents, and seeing clients improve, I come to love the treatment approach. Instead of loving the truth. So, it’s painful when I find myself having to confront a beloved belief in a beloved treatment approach because it isn’t actually working with a specific client. But does it have to be painful? How do we cultivate love of truth--love of engaging in ongoing intellectual confrontation--instead of surrendering to love for a belief?